Occurrence record: 8tb5l6v5

Human observation of Dicranopalpus ramosus recorded on 2021-11-04


Occurrence ID 8tb5l6v5
Basis of record Human observation
Scientific name Dicranopalpus ramosus sensu lato (pre 2015)
Licence CC-BY
Record Date 2021-11-04 (Day)
Locality Caledonia Way, Ledaig central section
Location Grid Reference: NM90703687 Latitude: 56.477347 Longitude: -5.400096
Recorded by Rob Lightfoot & Lorn Natural History Group
Identified by Carl Farmer
Identification verification status Accepted - considered correct
Occurrence remarks Male at rest on old tree stump


Data partner Argyll Biological Records Centre
Data resource Argyll Biological Records Dataset
Institution code Supplied institution code "ABReC"


Individual count Present


Life stage Adult


Occurrence date 2021-11-04
Sampling protocol Field record / observation
Date precision Day
Event date 2021-11-04


Scientific name Dicranopalpus ramosus sensu lato (pre 2015)
Taxon rank species sensu lato
Name match metric Taxon GUID match
The match was based on the supplied taxon concept ID rather than the scientific name.
Genus Dicranopalpus
Family Phalangiidae
Order Opiliones
Class Arachnida
Phylum Arthropoda
Kingdom Animalia
Taxon ID NHMSYS0021178904
Taxonomic issue No issues
Nomenclatural status sensu lato (pre 2015)
Habitat taxon terrestrial
Establishment means taxon Native


Country United Kingdom
State/Province Scotland
Locality Caledonia Way, Ledaig central section
Latitude (WGS84) 56.477347
Longitude (WGS84) -5.400096
Geodetic datum EPSG:4326
Verbatim locality 98
Coordinate uncertainty in meters 7.1
Georeference verification status Accepted - considered correct
Bbox 56.4773,-5.400173,56.477394,-5.400019
Grid size in meters 10
Easting 190700
Northing 736870
Grid reference wkt POLYGON((-5.40017 56.4773,-5.40017 56.47739,-5.40002 56.47739,-5.40002 56.4773,-5.40017 56.4773))
County 98
Grid reference NM90703687

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